Schöne geräumige Zimmer,großes Bad mit riesiger Dusche!! Zum Wohlfühlen!
14 m do hotel
Brennerstraße 64
Um guia para grandes lugares perto do Hotel Clara
Schöne geräumige Zimmer,großes Bad mit riesiger Dusche!! Zum Wohlfühlen!
14 m do hotel
Brennerstraße 64
125 m do hotel
Eisackstr. 5
138 m do hotel
Via Isarco 5
Very nice food and wine, and the prices are quite cheap.
0.9 km do hotel
Stiftstraße 1
Accoglienza fantastica per una Gasthoff dotata di tutti i comfort, cucina eccellente e produzione propria di vini di qualità.
1 km do hotel
Pacherweg 1
Very interesting and exquisite starters, but not alle main courses can be recommended (considering the price ranging from 18-25 Euros).
2.2 km do hotel
Vicolo del Duomo 3
Beautiful Piazza with the old Duomo and lots of nice little Cafés.
2.2 km do hotel